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Welcome - my name is Kevin Klinkenberg, and this site "The Messy City" is my blog and company website. I started blogging on urban planning and design issues in 2007, and began working in the field in 1993. Please feel free to connect with me on any of the social media sites listed here. Thanks for reading.

Welcome to my new blog

For about 7 years now I've been blogging under the title of New Urbanism Blog. The posts have come as I've had time, on a wide variety of urban-design related topics. Whether it's been a pure design issue, a policy initiative or something just near to my heart, blogging has been a great outlet and format for me to explore. I've been flattered by the traffic and recognition, which has been increasing year after year. As a working professional, it's been difficult to find the time to write pieces with depth, but having an outlet at all is tremendously rewarding. 

As 2014 approached, I realized that I wanted to make some changes, however. Mostly, I wanted to do more - a lot more. While the internets have a number of good and very good sites related to urban design and planning, I felt like there was a hole for a certain kind of site - which is what I plan to fill starting today.

This new site will mix news and opinion, on a daily (hopefully) basis. I will continue to write in-depth pieces, but mix it in with many more quick-hitting items and links to content that advances the discussion. The topics will be similar to what I've covered over the years, including some local items peppered in from here in Savannah, GA as well as from my hometown of Kansas City. 

This will be a moderated discussion - I don't believe in unfettered, anonymous commentary on the internet. Take your shots, I can handle them, but if you're here to just insult or be vulgar you will be ignored.

For more on me and what I plan to do, please read the About page on this site. And, of course, feel free to check out the whole thing, including items you can purchase and how to hire me. I'm excited about this new direction and the potential to reach an even broader audience. We have a tremendous amount of work to do in order to help our cities and towns grow up here in the US, and to do so we need many voices educating leaders and the grass roots.

Let's get to it. 

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