Welcome - my name is Kevin Klinkenberg, and this site "The Messy City" is my blog and company website. I started blogging on urban planning and design issues in 2007, and began working in the field in 1993. Please feel free to connect with me on any of the social media sites listed here. Thanks for reading.
Over the coming weeks, I want to use this space to share ideas and thoughts on a subject that is of great interest to me: How do we accomplish great urban design and walkability when the economy stinks?That's a question we’ve heard a lot lately. But the reality is this: the nature of the economy doesn’t have much to do with what we can accomplish - there are many things that can and should be done in any economy and quite a few that are easy ways to get started
Kevin Klinkenberg, principle architect at 180 Urban Design, is a participating faculty member for a Form-Based Codes Institute 301 Session in Lansing, MI.
Kevin Klinkenberg, principle at 180 Urban Design, writes about his experience at the annual CNU Congress
Come join us for the third annual XNU event at the Congress for the New Urbanism. We will be serving on the panel and sponsoring this event.
New Urbanism Blog: 180 Urban Design and Architecture, which specializes in designing walkable communities, where residential, commercial and retail are more closely tied together, business is booming. Some of the interest is green related, while some is cities looking at ways to be more efficient with their resources, said Kevin Klinkenberg, a firm principal.
New Urbanism Blog: The City of Panama Beach, Florida has retained a team lead by Planning Works, LLC and assisted by 180° Design Studio and White & Smith, LLC to prepare an initial assessment of form-based codes for the City. A form-based code is a land development regulation that is based principally on design, rather use, impact, or other aspects of land development.